Candice is the sister of a really good friend of mine. She is due any day now with her little girl. She really wanted to take some pictures of her prego belly and asked if I would be interested. Would I! She has the cutest belly and she is still so tiny! I had so much fun taking photos of Candice. She was a breeze to work with and knew exactly what she wanted. I can't post some of them because some are shot in a boudoir style. So in other words you must be REALLY special to Candice for her to show them to you. I am going to post some of our favorite "traditional" belly photos for you to see. And ladies remember, take pictures of your prego belly! I never did and I regret it! Enjoy these pics:
The babys middle name is going to be Rose, after Candice's Grandmother.
She is patiently waiting for her precious gift to arrive! Any day now!
This baby girl is surrounded by so much Love! Her two Aunties and Grandma cannot wait for her arrival!
Candice is a stunning woman already, add the pregnancy glow, and Wowsa!
I had to get this shot of the snowy Mt. Baldy in the back. It was such a beautiful day! I know there are a ton of shadows but I had the idea in my head of Momma Candice being at one with Momma Nature.